Combat Deep Fakes with Content Authenticity Verifiable Credentials

Content creators can link their work to verifiable identities and secure the chain of trust and fight deep fakes. Don’t trust the message, trust the source.

Content Authenticity

Verify Content Authenticity in an AI Era

AI-generated content is everywhere, making it hard to tell what's real. Rapid content production complicates verification. We need systems to certify authentic content and creators, especially for videos, images, and written materials.

Verification Costs

Verifying the authenticity of rapidly produced and consumed content is both costly and time-consuming, creating a significant burden on individuals and organizations.

Lack of Accountability

With the ease of creating fake content, there is little to no accountability for the creators, leading to a proliferation of deceptive misinformation without consequences.

Reputation Damage

Building solutions that can determine if digital identities and content are trustworthy is difficult. It's a must to know if a source has a good reputation before trusting its content. For reputation to be effective, it must be something you're afraid to lose.

Verify Content Authenticity in an AI Era

AI-generated content is everywhere, making it hard to tell what's real. Rapid content production complicates verification. We need systems to certify authentic content and creators, especially for videos, images, and written materials.

Verification Costs

Content Verification

Verifying the authenticity of rapidly produced and consumed content is both costly and time-consuming, creating a significant burden on individuals and organizations.

Verification Costs
Lack of Accountability

Fake Content
Thrives Unchecked

With the ease of creating fake content, there is little to no accountability for the creators, leading to a proliferation of deceptive misinformation without consequences.

Lack of Accountability
Reputation Damage

Your Reputation

Building solutions that can determine if digital identities and content are trustworthy is difficult. It's a must to know if a source has a good reputation before trusting its content. For reputation to be effective, it must be something you're afraid to lose.

Reputation Damage

Why use Privado ID?

Streamline Operations and Enhance Customer Privacy

Privado ID empowers institutions to streamline their operations, improve customer experience, and mitigate compliance and security risks, and allows customers of these institutions to prove in a privacy-preserving manner that they are who they say to be. 

Seamless Compliance with Trusted Partners

With our solution, platforms can ensure adherence to compliance regulations by leveraging the services of trusted third-parties that will generate a KYC credential for the user. The provider can undertake a continuous monitoring process and store the user’s data.

Private and Reusable KYC Verification

User privacy is key in Privado ID, allowing users with a KYC credential to prove their identity without sharing personal information. It also offers standard KYC credential schemas to maximize reusability.

Verify Once, Use Everywhere

Once users undergo the initial verification, they receive a verifiable credential related to their identity. Subsequently, they can reuse this credential across multiple platforms without needing to repeat the verification process, minimizing friction and user frustration. 

Secure, Tamper-Proof Credentials

The credentials are cryptographically secured and tied to the user's identity, making them tamper-proof and resistant to manipulation.

Streamline Operations and Enhance Customer Privacy

Privado ID empowers institutions to streamline their operations, improve customer experience, and mitigate compliance and security risks, and allows customers of these institutions to prove in a privacy-preserving manner that they are who they say to be. 

Seamless Compliance with Trusted Partners

With our solution, platforms can ensure adherence to compliance regulations by leveraging the services of trusted third-parties that will generate a KYC credential for the user. The provider can undertake a continuous monitoring process and store the user’s data.

Private and Reusable KYC Verification

User privacy is key in Privado ID, allowing users with a KYC credential to prove their identity without sharing personal information. It also offers standard KYC credential schemas to maximize reusability.