Elevate Age Verification

Boost compliance, privacy, and ease with Privado ID: safeguard minors, privacy, and prevent fraud effortlessly.

Age verification

Age Compliance challenges in the digital age

In the evolving Web2 and Web3 spaces, platforms must navigate the challenges of age compliance and user privacy. Achieving the right balance with seamless age verification is key to ensuring compliance, protecting privacy, enhancing user experience, and preventing fraud while keeping minors safe from inappropriate content.

Legal Compliance

Traditional financial institutions bear significant costs for robust KYC processes, encompassing staff training, technology infrastructure, and ongoing regulatory compliance monitoring.

User Privacy

Platforms must balance the need for age verification with user privacy concerns. Collecting sensitive information related to age raises privacy risks, necessitating secure and transparent verification processes.

User Experience

Age verification measures may create user friction, risking abandonment or frustration. Platforms need seamless verification processes to minimize disruption.

Age Compliance challenges in the digital age

In the evolving Web2 and Web3 spaces, platforms must navigate the challenges of age compliance and user privacy. Achieving the right balance with seamless age verification is key to ensuring compliance, protecting privacy, enhancing user experience, and preventing fraud while keeping minors safe from inappropriate content.

Legal Compliance

Reduce KYC Cost
in Finance

Traditional financial institutions bear significant costs for robust KYC processes, encompassing staff training, technology infrastructure, and ongoing regulatory compliance monitoring.

Legal Compliance
User Privacy

Secure Age Verification
With Privacy

Platforms must balance the need for age verification with user privacy concerns. Collecting sensitive information related to age raises privacy risks, necessitating secure and transparent verification processes.

User Privacy
User Experience

Age Verification

Age verification measures may create user friction, risking abandonment or frustration. Platforms need seamless verification processes to minimize disruption.

User Experience

Why use Privado ID?

Easy Age Verification

Privado ID enables platforms to comply with age regulations through trusted third-party age verification, eliminating the need for platforms to collect or store personal data. The verification method can be customized according to platform needs and level of assurance required.

Verify Your Age Privately

In Privado ID, user privacy is key, allowing users that possess an age verifiable credential to attest or prove in a privacy preserving manner their age without disclosing any personal information.

One-Time Check, Universal Use

This approach significantly enhances the user experience by offering a seamless age verification process. Once users undergo the initial verification, they receive a verifiable credential related to their age. Subsequently, they can reuse this credential across multiple platforms without needing to repeat the verification process, minimizing friction and user frustration.

Secure Access with Privado ID

With cryptographically secure credentials, Privado ID significantly reduces fraud risks, ensuring only age-appropriate access to content and applications.

Easy Age Verification

Privado ID enables platforms to comply with age regulations through trusted third-party age verification, eliminating the need for platforms to collect or store personal data. The verification method can be customized according to platform needs and level of assurance required.

Verify Your Age Privately

In Privado ID, user privacy is key, allowing users that possess an age verifiable credential to attest or prove in a privacy preserving manner their age without disclosing any personal information.

One-Time Check, Universal Use

This approach significantly enhances the user experience by offering a seamless age verification process. Once users undergo the initial verification, they receive a verifiable credential related to their age. Subsequently, they can reuse this credential across multiple platforms without needing to repeat the verification process, minimizing friction and user frustration.